HAMARTIA   a private & selective, chris redfield from resident evil, as written by ty. established 2013, remade 2022. canon compliant, worldbuilding & plot focused.

rules & regulations

TY / 25+ / HE / HIM / GMT      

this is a blog for chris redfield from the resident evil series. canon compliant with a few minor exceptions, based on the source material including: stage plays; manga; cgi movies; some aspects from the novels ( sd perry and the kaitai shinsho ). the only remake i consider canon for my portrayal is biohazard ( 2002 ), and unless asked interactions will assume the original timeline not the "re-imaginings". 01  this is a blog that focuses on paranovella writing, analysis and lengthy headcanons. please be aware that i rarely ever use readmores for long posts - this is a roleplay blog after all, and i like to write a lot. this is an extremely low activity blog and i likely will only be writing with people i am already writing with. 02  resident evil is a horror series involving eugenics, experimentation, parasites, gore, death, kidnapping and the like. triggers will be tagged as "// TRIGGER." with chris there will be themes of ptsd, substance abuse, depression, suicidal tendencies. that being said, if you want a tag to block let me know and i will make one for you. 03   i use minor formatting and occasionally use icons, but you don't have to match me. i would ask if we're writing together you keep extensive formatting ( multiple fonts, multiple colours, tiny tiny text )to a minimum as it's very hard to read. apologies but i will not write with people who post replies as images! 04  i ship based on chemistry and development. i will not jump right into shipping with anyone other than @greenherb / @wintersdecay. i write chris as bisexual ( though not really aware of it ).. i do not ship weskerfield, chreon or nivanfield. 05  i have written chris since 2013, and many of my headcanons are pre-existing and reworked / reposted from my archived blogs. if they happen to be similiar to another chris', please do not accuse me of stealing ( i was probably here first! ). that being said, i have no issues with duplicates. i love chris and i'm glad others do too. 06  i do not consider any remakes canon other than biohazard ( 2002 ). whilst it likely won't come up outside of specific circumstances, chris' knowledge is that of the original ( the kennedy report would not have luis surviving for so long, for example ). if in doubt, ask me! 07  psd used is green ivy bypilipalea. screencaps are my own. icon psd is my own. art used in header for carrd is by kapcant.


 JILL VALENTINE. mainstillaware
 CHARACTER NAME. main / exclusiveurl



character information

which brings us back to the hero's shoulders and the gentleness that comes, not from the absence of violence, but despite the abundance of it.and then it's gone. makes you sad. all your friends are gone. goodbye, goodbye. no more tears. i would like to meet you all in heaven.

 NAME. chris redfield
 AGE. 49
 GENDER. male
 PRONOUNS. he / him
 BIRTHDATE. apr 27 1973
 SPECIES. human
 sexuality. ( CLOSETED ) bisexual
 hometown. new york
 HEIGHT. 6'2
 WEIGHT. 220lbs
 EYE COLOUR. brown
 ethnicity white
 build. strongman / thick
 OCCUPATION. bsaa co-founder
 organisation. bsaa, ex-stars

talents include: marksmanship, hand-to-hand and knife fighting combat (jiujitsu, judo, kali knife fighting, muay thai), VTOL + fixed-wing aircraft qualified, experienced in anti-bioterror strategy and situations as well as combat against b.o.ws, not answering his phone and having to get people to come look for him.*habits include: smoking, addictive personality, heavy drinking, reckless behaviour, bad at keeping in touch.health issues include: traumatic brain injury, spinal issues, insomnia, photophobia, ptsd.languages spoke include: english, basics of indonesian, chinese, russianfamily includes: claire redfield ( sister ) , jill valentine ( partner - romantic or platonic ) , rosemary winters-redfield ( adopted daughter ), barry burton ( father figure ) .

personality & more

chris plays the role of a very typical all-american hero, but after a lifetime of playing that role - a role he never chose - it has taken it's toll on him. he has lost many whom he has considered family, been forced to fight those he loves, has fractured and burnt bridges and failed to save those who he was supposed to protect. each death weighs heavy on his mind, often falling into periods of reckless and self-destructive behaviour, but despite all this chris remains kind and loving, a golden heart beneath walls of muscle. he acts first and thinks later, believes in the good of people no matter how bitter he feels or how often he's had his heart taken advantage of.chris redfield. action hero / big brother instinct / big good / color-coded character / determinator / doom magnet / a father to his men / the hero / hidden depths / how the might have fallen / knight in sour armour / love hurts / married to the job / old soldier / shell-shocked veteran / sole survivor.


chris is innoculated against the t-virus, c-virus, a-virus, t-abyss virus and the mold.as of 2021, he is still working for the bsaa, but has effectively gone rogue with the hound wolf squad - for my portrayal, nadia and dc of the silver dagger team also are a part of hound wolf squad.he posses a natural immunity to airborne infections and the ccr5-delta32 gene.following the events of village, chris has legal guardianship over rosemary winters - assumed pre-dlc and sort-of confirmed by the dlc but for now how much involvement he had or if it's only on paperwork can be discussed with any rose writers.




    1973        chris redfield is born.
    1983        chris befriends billy rabbitson.
    1990        graduates from school, joining the us air force and meeting barry burton.
    1993        orphaned after a vehicle accident. chris becomes claire's sole guardian.
    1995        discharged from the airforce. joins stars.


    april 1998        billy is "killed" after a crashed flight, chris attends the funeral.
    june 1998        chris begins investigating the murders occuring in the arklay mountains. he is working 18 hour shifts daily.
    july 1998        stars takes over the murder investigation. chris si contacted by billy, alive, witnesses an attack by the cereberus. he argues with irons, no one believes him. attempting to speak to umbrella about billy leaves him empty handed. chris speaks to billy briefly before he dies, who tells him that he worked in the arklay lab and attempting to warn them before the two encounter their first zombie.
    july 1998        ARKLAY MANSION INCIDENT.     he, jill, rebecca, barry and brad are the only survivors. with the knowledge that umbrella is corrupt and preforming inhuman experiments on the local population, they attempt to go public with this knowledge after recovering from their injuries and grief. the loss of stars is a disaster for the rpd, and no explanation is given for the arklay mountain murders.


    august 1998        chris confronts irons about the incident, but with no evidence, nothing happens. irons begins to propagandize the event, framing stars as unreliable narrators and suspects. chris is suspended, intentionally pursued in order to conduct his own investigation. he speaks to jill and barry about the g-virus, before leaving the city to go to the paris umbrella facility. shortly after stars disbanded.
    september 1998        chris flies to germany, going to umbrella's hq. as he is being tracked by umbrella, he suddenly loses communication with the rpd. he is not aware of the outbreak. THE RACCOON CITY OUTBREAK.
    october 1998        an assassination attempt is made on his life at his hideout by umbrella operative. he flees to budapest. he discovers raccoon city's fate over the television report.


    december 1998        ROCKFORT ISLAND INCIDENT.    after a message from leon, chris arrives on rockfort island searching for his little sister. he encounters wesker, discovering that the man is alive and is working for a new organisation. with wesker fleeing, and chris being informed claire fled the island prior, he follows to the antarctic facility.
    december 1998        ANTARCTIC OUTBREAK.     chris reunites with his sister though they are unable to save the infected steve burnside. after battling alexia and ultimately killing her, he is forced to confront and fight with wesker whilst claire escapes. the fight ends with wesker being injured and fleeing on a submarine, with chris and clair leaving by jet.
he and claire go to canada to stay with the burtons before he reunites with jill and continues their fight against umbrella.
    january 1999        chris and jill begin searching for nikolai, both as a lead for information and revenge. they find and battle him, but ultimately do not succeed in their mission.
    2000        chris testifies at the raccoon trials. wesker's involvement leads chris to become aggressive, resulting in his testimony being thrown out.


    2003        CAUCASUS OUTBREAK.    working for the private anti-biohazard service, chris and jill investigate a village in russia. they encounter a little girl, anna, who is the sole survivor before running into wesker once more. believing a bow factory to be nearby, they take anna to safety and enter the facility, ultimately defeating the talos.
    2003        the ministry of the interior agrees to cooperate with the fbi in a manhunt for oswell e spencer. chris continues working with the private anti-biohazard service.
    2003        the bsaa is founded by the global pharmaceutical consortium. chris redfield, among others, is one of the founding members.
    2004        THE TERRAGRIGIA PANIC.    chris, as part of the bsaa, works to combat bows and evacuate survivors in the terragrigia panic. after three weeks of fighting, the fbc pull out, forcing the bsaa to abandon the city alongside them.

resident evil: revelations

    november 2005        chris is sent to valkoinen mokki airport on a false lead with jessica sherawat.
    november 2005        THE QUEEN ZENOBIA INCIDENT.    continuing their investigation, the two are routed to the queen semiramis. after discovering they are on the wrong ship, they find their way to the queen zenobia to meet up with jill and parker. they uncover evidence proving fbc leader morgan lansdale as responsible for the terragrigia panic.
    november 2005        chris and jill escape the zenobia, parker is assumed dead but survives. jessica, revealed to be a triple agent, escapes after self destructing the ship, taking samples of the t-abyss virus with her.
    november 2005        diving to the wreckage of the queen dido, they encounter il veltro leader jack norman, killing him and collecting the evidence to prove lansdale's guilt. the fbc is shut down, lansdale is arrested and director clive o'brian resigns in disgrace after his involvement in the operation, putting his agents lives at risk in an attempt to expose the fbc.

resident evil: lost in nightmares

    august 2006        RAID ON THE SPENCER ESTATE.    chris and jill follow a lead to the spencer estate where they confront wesker, failing to apprehend spencer. jill sacrifices herself to save chris' life, falling to her death on the cliffside with wesker. no body is found.
    november 2006        the bsaa give up the search for jill's body. her funeral is held and a grave is made. chris does not attend, continuing to search for her, refusing to believe she is dead.
    2007        chris becomes the poster boy of the bsaa after continual successful missions. he is working almost constantly, often alone, obsessively searching for jill. he follows every lead he can find. whilst this does wonders for his reputation, the same cannot be said for his health. his relationship with barry and claire suffers under the weight of his addiction to work and his fall into alcoholism. the bsaa only encourage this, with chris' record becoming the talk of the organization.
    2008        chris is recognised as the bsaa's operative with the most missions to his name, solidifying his status as the bsaa's best agent, a level 10 authority. he attempts to follow any previous leads - jessica, the kennedy report, eventually working with reynard fisher.

resident evil 5

    february 2009        reynard gives intel about ricardo irving, and chris begins following the lead, joining the arrest operation after a rising nationalistic and violent sentiment begins reaching a critical point in kijuju, where irving is operating. seeing photos of a woman caught with irving, chris believes it to be jill.
    march 2009        KIJUJU AUTONOMOUS ZONE INCIDENT.    chris arrives in kijuju and is partnered with sheva alomar. the two work with josh stone, following irving and killing him after he infects himself, encountering wesker and excella gionne in the ruins. tricell is revealed to be under wesker's influence, creating the uroborous virus and infecting the native population in the attempt to begin a global genocide. jill is revealed to be alive, controlled by wesker and the p30, and is rescued by the two. forced to leave her behind, they kill excella, pursue wesker and ultimately kill him before being rescued by jill and josh.
    2009        feeling that his long fight is over, chris switches from soa to sou captain, headhunting members of his team. he recruits piers nivans and merah biji. jill begins rehabilitation. chris asks barry to join the bsaa, which he accepts, alongside rebecca as an advisor.

resident evil : the stage

    2010        PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OUTBREAK.    chris and piers are sent to assist rebecca chambers at philosophy university, meeting with bsaa agent sophie home as an outbreak occurs. working alongside u.s special forces agent tyler howard, they discover the outbreak was intentionally caused by a student, mary grey, and tyler's father. mary mutates into a tyrant, and she is killed by the bsaa.
    2010        chris meets leon kennedy officially at a terrasave event at claire's request.
    2010        COBRA MART BIOTERROR ATTACK.    an outbreak occurs at a mall in the united states, perpetrated by a terrorist group. chris, piers and merah are sent in to neutralise all bows.
    2011        chris takes an official leave of absence after claire is recovered from sein island in order to look after her. he refuses to believe the bsaa was complicit in hiding the truth of her and moira's kidnapping, but seeds of doubt are sown regardless.

resident evil : marhawa desire

    may 2012        chris, piers and merah are sent to neutralise bows in singapore. looking for bsaa advisor and professor doug, they follow his trail to marhawa academy, arriving in kudahnkan.
    may 2012        MARHAWA SCHOOL INCIDENT.    with the academy in the midst of a perpetrated outbreak by bindi and nanan ( manipulated and armed by carla radames, though this is unknown ), they are left to deal with the outbreak alone as reinforcements will take too long to arrive. doug is infected and euthanised. chris accompanies a survivor, ricky tozawa, who is almost infected by carla after she watches chris fight nanan. in a final confrontation with bindi, all four manage to kill her, but as they flee, merah is impaled as she throws herself infront of piers to save his life.
    may 2012        reinforcements finally arrive, purging the school and setting up quarantine. chris and piers attend merah's funeral. their relationship is strengthened, but piers is greatly affected by the event and loss. the dynamic between the two changes.

resident evil 6

    december 2012        EDONIAN CIVIL WAR.    after being sent to the edonian republic due to reports of bow warfare following the civil war, chris and piers encounter sherry birkin, assisting her in reaching her destination. alpha team is killed by "ada wong" after being infected with the c-virus. chris and piers are the only survivors, though chris is in critical condition after receiving a traumatic brain injury.
    december 2012        an emergency craniotomy is preformed on chris.
    january 2013        chris awakens in the hospital with no memories and flees. officially awol, piers keeps this information to himself and his team, hoping to locate and retrieve chris. over the next few months, he avoids claire and jill, but attempts to contact sheva in case chris has made contact. he has not. chris is, in fact, still in edonia - working as a bodyguard for money to pay for his relapse into alcoholism and in return for free lodging. his mental and physical health deteriorate and his amnesia leaves him continually confused.
    june 2013        LANSHIANG BIOTERROR ATTACK.    chris is found by piers and pulled back into the bsaa. he is immediately deployed into wayip and reinstated as alpha team's captain. encountering "ada", who once again kills chris' team, they chase her, running into leon kennedy who attempts to protect her, through the city until she is murdered as they finally confront her.
    july 2013        following intel from hunnigan and leon, the two continue into the neo-umbrella underwater facility to rescue sherry and jake muller, wesker's son, whose blood can be used to create a vaccine for the c-virus. after a tense discussion, the two stay behind to battle haos so sherry and jake can escape. piers is presumed killed in action after injecting himself with the virus after being practically bisected, in order to save chris' life, but survives, recovered later by the bsaa off the coast of china. the bsaa sustains heavy losses in lanshiang.
    2013        chris returns to active duty within the bsaa.
    october 2013        QUERETARO MANSION INCIDENT.    working alongside the mexican army, chris participates in the operation to apprehend suspected bow dealer glenn arias. the team is killed and chris is critically injured, allowing arias to escape.

resident evil: vendetta

    2013        the counter-terrorism rapid response team, silver dagger, is formed by the bsaa using extra-legal intelligence gathering to investigate suspects. chris joins the team, led by d.c, along with damian and nadia.
    february 2014        ATTACK ON THE ALEXANDER INSTITUTE OF BIOTECHNOLOGY.    after rebecca alerts the who to the creation of a vaccine to the recent a-virus, chris is on route with silver dagger when an outbreak occurs in the alexander institute.
    february 2014        NEW YORK BIOTERROR ATTACK.    after meeting with leon, rebecca is kidnapped by arias and infected as the a-virus is leaked through new york. hoping to deploy rebecca's vaccine, chris and leon attack arias, killing him and saving rebecca. the vaccine manages to "cure" those who have been infected. damian is killed during the events of the outbreak. nadia is court marshalled due to her use of the railgun.
    october 2014        the bsaa attempt to apprehend and capture the bioweapon eveline, but fail.
    2015        chris is sent into the mojave desert with the bsaa to investigate aeolus edge west, looking for ties to the connections and the development of the e-series bioweapons.

resident evil : death island

    2015        THE ALCATRAZ ISLAND INCIDENT.    jill begins working in the field again, under supervision of chris. the two, claire, rebecca and leon investigate a series of incidents leaving tourists infected.

resident evil 7: biohazard

    august 2017        THE BAKER HOUSE INCIDENT.    overseeing a blue umbrella operation, to his chagrin, chris arrives at the baker house in dulvey lousiana, rescuing ethan and mia winters. pursuing lucas baker in the hopes of apprehending him, the blue umbrella team is killed one by one, until chris confronts lucas in the mines after a failed assassination attempt. lucas mutates and is killed, and chris destroys all computers to stop eveline's data being sent to any third parties.
    august 2017        as a personal favour to ethan, chris returns to the bayou's quarantined zone to search for zoe - finding her safe, alive, with her uncle joe and managing to "cure" her of the mold. handing this over to the bsaa, he presumes mia and zoe to be cured.
    september 2017        with piers released from bsaa custody and rehabilitation, chris asks him to move in with the redfields in order to support him.
    november 2017        chris begins training ethan and builds a friendship with him. he has no idea ethan is infected. the bsaa know this, but keep this information from him.
    2018        chris continues to stay involved in the winters' life, hoping to support them but also gather information from mia about her former employers. she refuses to discuss it.
    2018        with the bsaa covering up the dulvey incident and their shared responsibility for inciting it due to the failed attempt to capture eveline, chris loses faith in the bsaa, seeing it as corrupt. he feeds information to zoe, commanders control of the hound wolf squad - bringing nadia and dc with him into the squad - effectively going rogue. the team begin following the trail from the connections to miranda.
    2020         chris' suspicions are all but confirmed when the bsaa moves the winters family to romania.

resident evil 8: biohazard

    2021        THE VILLAGE INCIDENT.    hound wolf squad assault the winters home, killing "mia" - in reality, miranda who has infiltrated the home - and forcibly relocating ethan and rosemary as they cannot be sure the two are not infected or controlled by miranda. the convoy is attacked and rosemary kidnapped. during the day, chris and his team pursue miranda as well as information on the mold, discovering that it originated here and was sent to the connections in munich. encountering ethan several times, it is not until sunset at the factory where chris finally opens up to ethan, knowing his attempts to treat ethan as a civilian have failed and put the family in more danger. when ethan is "killed" by miranda, hound wolf squad infiltrate the village, using the bsaa's arrival as a distraction. chris rescues mia, implants a bomb on the megamecete and reunites with ethan who kills miranda. unable to continue on, ethan leaves rosemary with chris who flees wih his squad and mia.
    february 2021        chris discovers the bsaa are using bioweapons, confirming his fears, and that the bioweapons bear his face.
    2021        chris becomes a legal guardian of rosemary winters.

alternative verses

work in progress!


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